Funkcia a význam naivnosti výrazu pre oficiálne výtvarné umenie „času neslobody“ na Slovensku
The study researches and outlines one of the possible views on the relationship of practice and theory in fine art with political doctrine of socialism in Slovakia between 1949 and 1989. The paper points out (on the basis of domestic as well as foreign literature) the meaning and function expressive quality of naivety for aesthetical doctrine of socialist realism. Main aim of the paper is to point out the importance of relation of aesthetics, politics, artistic freedom and problem of “truth” in art.
Fine art; Slovak art; socialist realism; aesthetic category; expressive category; naivety; kitsch
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ESPES. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics (ISSN 1339-1119) is published biannually by University of Presov, Slovakia and the Society for Aesthetics in Slovakia. Registration number of the journal in the Register of Periodical Publications of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic: EV173/23/EPP.
This journal is open access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.