Reklama ako popkultúrny produkt
The article analyzes the ad text as pop-cultural product, that can stand in its center - the mainstream or on the periphery. The text is approaching the issue from a broader culturological context, through the issue of mass and popular culture. Short analysis brings television advertising spot both as a common commercial product, and as a product of artistic value.
mass culture; pop culture; centrum; periphery; advertising text; advertising; visualization
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ESPES. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics (ISSN 1339-1119) is published biannually by University of Presov, Slovakia and the Society for Aesthetics in Slovakia. Registration number of the journal in the Register of Periodical Publications of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic: EV173/23/EPP.
This journal is open access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.